Sinus Lift

Sinus Lift

  • Oral Hygiene After Oral Surgery
    • Vigorous rinsing and spitting should be avoided for 24 hours. Brush gently and floss if able to open wide  enough.  
    • Lightly rinse your mouth with water, avoiding mouthwash. Let the water fall out of your mouth on its  own.  
    • After 24 hours, consider rinsing with a saline or salt water solution. This will naturally help keep the  surgical site clean, aiding in the healing process. Prepare your saline solution by placing one tablespoon  of salt in one cup of warm water. Do not swallow the saline solution. Repeat this as necessary  throughout the day. If you have had an extraction, do not attempt to remove anything from the tooth  socket (hole). Rinsing lightly will dislodge any food particles from the site. 
    • Tobacco Use – Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after oral surgery. Smoking delays healing. Avoid the use of smokeless or chewing tobacco until complete healing has  occurred. 
    •  Pain After Oral Surgery And Medications 
      • Pain after oral surgery varies depending on the extent of the procedure. Follow the instructions for  your medication carefully and always consult with your dentist or surgeon before taking any over the-counter medications with your prescriptions. Take all of the medication prescribed to you to  prevent infection. 
    • Rest And Recovery
      • Rest for at least two days after oral surgery. Physical activity is not recommended for 2 to 3 days  after your surgery. Typically, you should be able to resume normal daily activities within 48 hours  after surgery.